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The 16th Special Human Resource Forum

Theme: Fostering Employee well-Being through Integrated work-life Balance and Mental Health Support

The ultimate aim of every organisation or business, either in the public or private sector, is to sustainably maintain a world-class brand that remains competitive and profitable throughout its existence, and in addition, to serve its Stakeholders – customers, business partners, vendors, shareholders, employees & society – knowing fully that organisations and business enterprises cannot afford to act solo in business operations because it is part of the entire ecosystem of the business environment. As such, a little shake in one area can have a devastating effect on the whole and may lead to disruptions.

Consequently, organisations must be innovative enough to enhance the chances of not only business survival but the continuation of profit-making and business sustainability even during disruptions and uncertainty due to:

  1. Market/Industry competitiveness both locally & internationally
  2. Technological disruptions
  3. Issues of force majeure like the Coronavirus pandemic
  4. Labour reforms
  5. Social, Political and Economic changes, among others.

The objective of the theme – Driving Strategic Innovation in an Uncertain Business Environment, is to:

  1. Establish a mechanism within which the organisation can increase its chances of survival during and after disruption(s). E.g. through the deployment of technology
  2. Create top-notch employees that are highly motivated, impactful, skilful and loyal to the organisation, as well as the entrenchment of a high-level Performance Management System that will ensure all employees’ commitment.
  3. Create a critical Stakeholders Management Process and mechanism to ensure a rancour-free stakeholders’ operation.
  4. Deploy a strategy to ensure a seamless transition to technological breakthrough where all statistical, operational and Key Performance Indicator indices can be harnessed to quickly and easily make predictions of any danger ahead regarding the market or industry challenges as it may affect the organisation or business enterprise.

The Human Resource of every organisation must see itself as a critical partner in determining the continuous success of the organisation. The time has passed where HR practitioners only see themselves as responsible for employee engagement alone without necessarily following up to determine what every employee and the organisation must do to create shock absorbers that will continually put the business on a strategic pedestal.

Venue: Virtual (Zoom)

Date: Thursday July 11th, 2024.

Time: 12 noon (WAT)


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